How to: Set up Serviceware Knowledge

Once Knowledge has been set up in your company, further steps need to be taken by the editors to start their daily work.

Proceed as follows:
  1. Administration and editors: Work with the administration to structure the knowledge content you want to create, manage, and publish using Serviceware Knowledge. Base this on the target group and the result that is to be achieved through the use of Serviceware Knowledge. Define Filter categories.
    Tip: We recommend a maximum of 6 levels horizontally and 10 branches per level below each other for the design of the tree.
  2. Administration and editors: Create a concept for user groups and views. Decide on the assignment: who has read access, who belongs to the editors and who is responsible for administration. Who is responsible for which content.
  3. Administration and editors: Define the User groups.
  4. Administration: Create a User.
  5. Administration: Assign user groups and thus views to the users.
    Tip: Make sure you have users in Administration and editors and that all views are assigned to a member of the editors.
  6. Editing: Create the tree with its branches.
  7. Administration: Create Categories by which the content can be filtered.
  8. Create rules for the editors for creating and designing texts.
  9. Create Templates for recurring content and text structures.
  10. Populate your knowledge management system with knowledge. Create texts and upload files.
  11. Create a Lexicon to enable searching for synonyms.
Consumers in your company can start working in Serviceware Knowledge.