
Lexicon entries describe terms and their synonyms that have been defined within the company.

The possibility of specifying synonyms enables a greater hit rate within the search. This ensures that content on a topic is found even if the consumer searches for one of the synonyms instead of the preferred term.

A search without synonyms helps the editors to find texts that contains an unwanted term.

Screenshot: Lexicon
Tip: This function is activated by Knowledge support on customer request. Editorial team members must be given appropriate permissions to create and edit.
Lexicon entries consist of the following parameters:
Prefered term
Fixed term from the knowledge context that you define or for which you want to specify synonyms.
The preferred term is displayed as title in the lexicon entry list.
Additions to term or synonym – for example, the subject reference.
The note is not displayed to the reader.
Definition of the term in the knowledge context.
Synonyms to the preferred term. Synonyms are also displayed in the search results when searching for the preferred term.
Terms made up of more than one word are possible and increase the number of hits in the search, provided only one of the words was searched.
It is not recommended to choose terms consisting of several words, as these terms will not be found if only one of the words is searched. Only the entire designation is searchable.
Specify synonyms from multiple terms using commas.
Numbers are not supported in the search.
Entry of terms in upper or lower case is not considered in the search.

Adding a lexicon entry

To create a new Lexicon entries, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Start > Lexicon via the navigation menu.
  2. Select Lexicon entries via the Add menu.
  3. Edit the parameter in the dialog Lexicon entries as follows:
    1. Name the preferred term in Prefered term.
    2. Enter Note.
    3. Enter the definition of the term that applies in your field of knowledge.
    4. Add synonyms.
    5. Provide notes for the synonyms, such as a product association or a valid knowledge area.
  4. Save the lexicon entry.
The synonyms are used in the search.

Editing a lexicon entry

To edit an existing lexicon entry, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Start > Lexicon via the navigation menu.
  2. From existing lexicon entries, open the one you want to edit.
  3. Select Edit from the action bar:
  4. Edit the parameter im dialog wie im section Editing a lexicon entry beschrieben.
  5. Save the lexicon entry.

Deleting a lexicon entry

To remove an entry from the Lexicon, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Start > Lexicon via the navigation menu.
  2. From existing lexicon entries, open the one you want to edit.
  3. In the action bar, select Delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion in the dialog.
The Lexicon entries will be deleted.

Lexicon export

Proceed as follows to export the lexicon in a .csv file:

  1. Open Start > Lexicon via the navigation menu.
  2. Open the navigation menu in the footer.
  3. Select Export to CSV file.
    Screenshot: Export lexicon

The contents of the lexicon will be exported as a CSV file and placed in your download folder under the name dictionary.csv.