How-To: Serviceware Knowledge set up for your company

In this section, you will learn what steps you need to execute in your company before you start working with Serviceware Knowledge.

You have received all log in details for your Knowledge system from the Knowledge administrator responsible. The Knowledge administrator has already preconfigured your system according to your needs.

Your Knowledge administrator has already created the roles administrator, editor and consumer.

  1. Administration and editors: Work with the administration to structure the knowledge content you want to create, manage, and publish using Serviceware Knowledge. Base this on the target group and the result that is to be achieved through the use of Serviceware Knowledge.
    Tip: We recommend a maximum of 6 levels horizontally and 10 branches per level below each other for the design of the tree.
  2. Administration and editors: Create a concept for roles and permissions. Decide on user groups: who has read access, who belongs to the editors and who is responsible for administration. Define the Views.
  3. Create a user group.
  4. Create the users, starting with the editors.
  5. Create the general settings for your Knowledge system. Define the layout and decide on the system's functionality.
  6. Create the Views and assign a theme and User groups to the views.
  7. Create user groups and assign Views to them.
  8. Create Users and assign roles and user groups to them.
  9. Define the search support: Configure placeholder, categories and lexicon
  10. If you want to use Knowledge widgets, create API keys and set the parameters of the widgets.