Logging in to the System

How to log in to the system.

  1. Access the URL of your Knowledge system. (https://[Ihr System]/knowledge/xxx.cloud).
  2. Enter your login details in the log in dialog.
  3. Confirm with Log out.
You are logged in to the system.

The link to log out is located in the user menu.

Forgot password

The administration is done via the user management.

If you have forgotten your password, please proceed as follows:
  1. In the login dialog, select Forgot password.
    The password wizard opens.
  2. Enter your log inname.
  3. Confirm the entry with Request password.
  4. Go to your inbox and open the email.
  5. Select the link to create a new password.
    You will receive another email with the new password.
  6. Log in using the new password.
  7. Switch to user management.
  8. Change your password according to the password rules.