Exit-Codes des Konfigurations-Scripts für RabbitMQ

Nach der Ausführung von Skripten können von Windows PowerShell Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben werden. Diese Fehlermeldungen werden teilweise nur als Zahlenwerte ausgegeben. Im Folgenden finden Sie die Erklärungen zu den Exit-Codes bei erfolgreicher oder nicht erfolgreicher Ausführung des Scripts.

Code Beschreibung
1000 Generic installation correct.
1001 Installation correct without IIS server.
1002 Installation correct using a self-signed certificate to TLS connection with IIS server and ARR.
1003 Installation correct using a self-signed certificate to TLS connection with IIS server. Correct ARR configuration has to be checked manually.
1004 Installation correct using a self-signed certificate to TLS connection ith IIS server but no ARR (to be done manually).
1005 Installation correct using default certificate to TLS connection and Installation correct with IIS server and ARR.
1006 Installation correct using default certificate to TLS connection and Installation correct with IIS server. Correct ARR configuration has to be checked manually.
1007 Installation correct using default certificate to TLS connection and Installation correct with IIS server but no ARR (to be done manually).
1008 Installation correct using windows store certificate to TLS connection with IIS server and ARR.
1009 Installation correct using windows store certificate to TLS connection with IIS server. Correct ARR configuration has to be checked manually.
1010 Installation correct using windows store certificate to TLS connection ith IIS server but no ARR (to be done manually)
2001 Password Rabbinat admin user incorrect
2002 RabbitMQ windows service user password not correct (local user)
2003 RabbitMQ windows service user password not correct (domain user)
4002 Terraform not found
4003 Erlang not found
4004 Carbon not found
4005 Terraform configuration failed
4006 RabbitMQ directory BASE not found
4007 Java not found
4008 Powershell version minor than 5
5000 Failed verification settings variables
5001 Install directory not found
5002 RabbitMQ admin user not set
5003 RabbitMQ admin password not set
5004 RabbitMQ service user not set
5005 RabbitMQ service password not set
5006 RabbitMQ management port not set
5010 Serviceware customer name not set
5011 Serviceware server name not set
5012 Parameter rabbitmq_service_user is not valid (invalid characters)
5013 Parameter rabbitmq_service_user too long
5014 Parameter rabbitmq_service_pwd does not meet the complexity requirements
6001 Failed starting service
6002 Failed stopping service
6003 Failed removing service