
Check if support is possible

At a high level, you have to use your <livechat-id> to create a support slot and wait until an operator is available.

Create a support slot

A support slot is like a ticket that "registers" the user for proceeding to a support chat. This means until the support-slot isn't telling you that we have a potential match, it makes no sense to prompt the user an option to start a chat.

If we compute a potential support operator match, then the slot will notify you that you can proceed.

  1. First, create a support-slot (see Creating Resource for more details):
    Sample request for creating a support-slot
    // POST ${api}/support-slots
    // accept: application/vnd.api+json
    // content-type: application/vnd.api+json
      "data": {
        "relationships": {
          "livechat": {
            "data": { "type": "livechats", "id": "01C7DYBTZWQ2EE1BKQD6361EW7" }
        "type": "support-slots"
    The server will respond with the newly created support slot:

    Sample response for the created support-slot

      "data" : {
        "id" : "${support-slot-id}",
        "type" : "support-slots",
        "attributes" : {
          "preconditions" : { },
          "status-reason" : "NO_OPERATOR_AVAILABLE",
          "status" : "UNAVAILABLE"
        "links" : {
          "self" : "${support-slot-self-url}"
Now you can observe the status attribute to determine if a potential support operator is available to handle a new support chat.
  1. if status is:
    • "UNAVAILABLE" then wait a short time and follow the support-slot self link (1.)
    • "AVAILABLE" then trigger the code to let your user start a support chat