

Name Type Description Readonly Readonly on POST
id string
allowed-origins List < String >
analytics-id string Matomo analytics id.
avatar-mode AvatarMode
can-chat-emoji boolean Allowed to use emoji picker in web chat.
can-chat-reply boolean Allowed to use the reply feature in web chat.
can-chat-upload boolean Allowed to upload files in web chat.
can-collaborate boolean Allowed to use collaboration case.
can-configure-livechats boolean Allowed to use livechats configuration UI
can-delegate-to-crm boolean Allowed to delegate data to external CRM
can-direct-message boolean Allowed to use DM.
can-invite boolean Allowed to invite customers
can-select-tag-leaves-only boolean Allowed to select leaves only while tagging
can-self-signup boolean Allowed to use self-signup.
can-support boolean Allowed to use support case.
can-translate boolean Allowed to use translation feature.
can-upload boolean Allowed to upload files.
can-use-all-conversations boolean Allowed to use the all conversations view
can-use-archived-conversations boolean Allowed to use the archived conversations view
can-use-flows boolean Allowed to use serviceware flows
can-view-available-agent-counters boolean Allowed to view available agents counters
can-view-available-agents boolean Allowed to view available agents
edit-timeout int How long it's possible to edit messages.
knowledge KnowledgeSettings
max-file-size long Maximum allowed file size for uploads (in bytes).
name string
password-min-digits int
password-min-length int
password-min-lower-chars int
password-min-special-chars int
password-min-upper-chars int
review-blacklist-domains List < String >
request-confirmation-responder-text string
self-signup-allowed-domains List < String >