
Outgoing webhooks

This feature allows customer's 3rd-party systems to be notified about events that happened in Serviceware Messaging via HTTP protocol.

Handling requests

Each time a new event is registered in Serviceware Messaging it will be send out via HTTP POST request with Content-Type: application/json header and predefined payload to remote URL.


Attribute Required Description
type * Original event's type
content * Original event's content
version * Version, currently always set to 2
roomId Room's identifier event was posted in
senderId Sender's identifier
senderExternalId Sender's external identifier
recipients Collection of recipients
referenceId Refererenced event (in case of original event references another)
livechatId Livechat's identifier used in conversation
preconditions Livechat's preconditions used while creating a conversation


Attribute Required Description
id * Recipient's identifier
externalId Recipient's external identifier

Supported events

Type Description
s.room.create Room was created
s.room.membership User has joined or left a room
s.message.text User has created a text message
s.message.media User has created a media message
s.message.edit User has edited a message
s.message.delete User has removed a message
s.room.close Room was closed

Signature and its verification

Signature is a string formatted in the way of {timestamp}:{content} and signed with predefined signing key using HMAC algorithm and SHA-512 as underlying hash function. In string above content represents an outgoing payload.

Both signature and timestamp values are served via HTTP headers:

smoope-signature - unique signature allows to verify incoming request at 3rd-party system

smoope-timestamp - ISO 8601 formatted string, represents when request was performed

Signing process is performed on server each time it attempts to request remote URL. While receiving requests from Serviceware Messaging, 3rd-party system is responsible to verify incoming payloads by performing same signing process at its side and comparing result with original signature sent within the request. Same signature means request was not intercepted or changed by other software or persons.


The following snippet represents a curl request which will be sent in case of s.message.text and signed with hmac key:

Simulating a webhook with curl

curl -X POST  \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8"  \
  -H "smoope-timestamp:2019-05-15T12:58:34.758710Z"  \
  -H "smoope-signature:wT50Do1_-KU1Ga8u6nFuFl_ZPzlXbmg1bLukr5zGdTf5P0E51VHvuq71NUXVe-m6P9HgW58WL8_T2F5BX-wZPg"  \
  -d '{"senderId":"sender","type":"s.message.text","version":1,"content":{"body":"ho-ho"},"roomId":"room","livechatId":"livechat"}' \ 