
The mobile app for Serviceware Knowledge enables read-only access to all texts and PDF files stored in Serviceware Knowledge.

It is available for all mobile devices and may be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and installed on your mobile device.
Tip: The system language of the Knowledge-App does not correspond to the settings in the Knowledgeuser management. The app language corresponds to the language set for the user in the operating system of the device being used.
The Knowledge-App has the following functions:

The following requirements are necessary for using the Knowledge-App:

  • Active Knowledge user account with known credentials (username and password).active
  • your Knowledge system is freely accessible via the Internet
  • the Knowledge version 5.11 or higher is in operation
  • the end device has an active connection to the Internet and
  • runs on iOS 8.0 or later or Android 5.0 or later

When the Knowledge-App is opened for the first time, it prompts you to enter the URL of the Knowledge system. The entire URL of the Knowledge system must be specified exactly in accordance with the following pattern: